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- by Budd Hopkins
- It is in the nature of human psychology that an event as dramatic as
- contact with extraterrestrial intelligence can not be thought about _neut-
- rally_, without deep-seated hopes and preconceptions. Most of us, I'm cer-
- tain, prefer to believe that extraterrestrials would arrive on our planet
- as friendly, helpful beings, eager to share their technology and to aid us
- in solving our social and ecological problems. Upon this basic and very
- human wish certain people have erected a powerful set of interpretations
- of modern-day UFO reports. These hopes, hardened into a kind of theology,
- can be described as a modern religion, willed into existence after the de-
- cline of our more traditional deities. After all, we have been told more
- than once that God is dead.
- On the other hand, our recent wars, both hot and cold, and the ven-
- ality and deceit we have seen in many of our political leaders have also
- inspired an undercurrent of pessimism, global in extent. International
- chaos, terrorism and governmental incompetence have trained many of us
- always to expect the worst. And so, if the majority opinion, or hope, is
- that extraterrestrials would arrive as space brothers, a strong minority
- opinion fears the opposite - that we would find ourselves taken over by a
- band of inter-galactic conquerors. Our popular science fiction films spell
- out these hopes and fears quite literally: We have the kindly Space Broth-
- er, Michael Rennie, stepping out of a gleaming spaceship to help earth-
- lings through their troubles, and then we have the Body Snatchers out to
- do us all in. I've dwelt on these basic attitudes about extraterrestrial
- contact for an important reason: when we examine reports of actual con-
- tact, especially as revealed in UFO abduction encounters, we must always
- bear in mind our basic preconceptions and how they might influence our
- reading of these events.
- After twelve years of experience investigating the abduction phenom-
- enon, I will not deal with the validity of such reports in this paper.
- I've considered this issue elsewhere, in two books and a number of artic-
- les, so we will here assume that the abductees I've worked with, more than
- a hundred and fifty in all, are telling the truth as they best recall it.
- I will concentrate instead on what information we can derive from their
- accounts that might bear on the question of the moral nature of the UFO
- phenomenon. Are the UFO occupants, as they are described by their abduc-
- tees, good or bad, friends or foes, or is the situation just not reducible
- to such terms? The very first step, obviously, is to analyze what the ab-
- ductees say they feel about their captors, and that, every investigator
- knows, is a complex task. My twelve years' experience leads me to a dis-
- tinct conclusion: each abductee's emotions are invariably intense and many-
- levelled - and usually mutually contradictory.
- First of all, confrontations with UFO occupants are generally experi-
- enced as frightening, so fear, at some point, is an almost universal ele-
- ment in the emotional mix. Second, there is a kind of awe or wonder at the
- power and seeming magic of the aliens' technology. This often translates
- itself into a kind of affection, even love, that an abductee might feel
- for the particular captor with whom he or she senses a special relation-
- ship. On the other side of the same coin there is an almost universal ang-
- er - verging sometimes on hatred - that abductees feel towards their abduc-
- tors because of their enforced helplessness, their sense of having been
- used, involuntarily, and even, upon occasion, of being made to suffer
- severe pain. According to every broad study of the abduction literature
- that I know of, and Edward Bullard's is the most authoritative [ParaNet
- members - see FUFOR.ORD], fear, awe, affection and anger are the basic
- emotional components of almost every UFO abduction experience. It is safe
- to say, then, that _powerful and confusing_ emotions follow such experi-
- ences, and that after their encounters abductees do not believe they have
- been taken either by purely malevolent foes nor by selfless, angelic space
- brothers. The situation is far too complicated for either simplistic read-
- ing.
- During the past eight years I have conducted an informal support
- group for UFO abductees in the New York City area, and have kept in touch
- with many others in various parts of the country. These circumstances have
- allowed me to observe a number of men and women over an extended period of
- time, and to see various patterns of response to their abduction experi-
- ences. The weight of each component in the standard emotional mix varies
- widely from individual to individual, and also changes with time within
- any one psyche. But the basic components always seem to remain, subtly at
- odds with one another, in each abductee. Several things must be kept in
- mind, however, as we study the abductee's emotional charts. First, when
- one is abducted, he or she is in something of an altered state, not unlike
- a hypnotic trance. The abductee is _controlled_ by the abductors and his
- or her behavior is in many ways far from normal. The abductee may be told
- things, shown things, that may not be true or "real." So in this context
- we must consider the abductee's occasional affection for his or her capt-
- ors. Psychologists have shown that this phenomenon, the "Patty Hearst"
- syndrome, all too often appears in earthly kidnapping experiences. There-
- fore in evaluating the four emotions commonly described by UFO abductees,
- three seem appropriate but one must be dealt with warily. Fear is some-
- thing one would surely expect if the aliens actually look and act as re-
- ported by their captives. Feelings of awe at the alien's technological
- magic, an emotion that again seems appropriate. Anger, often to an extreme
- degree, seems to be most abductee's reaction to being paralyzed and con-
- trolled by their captors. The physically invasive and sometimes painful
- operations performed upon them underline this response, which is often
- deepened because the UFO occupants usually refuse to discuss the purpose
- of these disturbing procedures. One has no choice except to submit to
- needles, lights, knives, "scanners" and so forth, with no power to protest
- or refuse. "I feel like a lab rat," one abductee said, her anger entirely
- appropriate to her situation. It is the odd affection abductees often re-
- port feeling for their captors that seems suspect, under the circumstan-
- ces. Is this feeling possibly an artificial emotion, induced telepathic-
- ally through some kind of quasi-hypnotic control? Is it a version of the
- "Patty Hearst" syndrome? Is it a genuine reaction? Obviously no one can
- answer these questions satisfactorily, but it seems to me that affection
- is the one common abduction response that must be viewed with suspicion.
- When one tries to tally up the pros and cons of an abduction experi-
- ence as it immediately and visibly affects human emotion, it can be said
- that two reactions are essentially negative, or even damaging. Fear and
- anger, which are often felt deeply as terror and hatred, are surely dis-
- ruptive of anyone's life. The sense of awe, while basically neutral and
- sometimes tinged with fear, may enhance one's world view, and thus con-
- tribute positively. The fourth and most suspect emotion, affection for
- one's captors, if genuine, is a positive one. So the emotional "score" af-
- ter an abduction experience does not support either a simple "Space Broth-
- er" or "Body Snatcher" interpretation. Judging purely by obvious surface
- reactions we are still in ethically mixed territory, though to me and to
- many abductees the negative effects seem more powerful than the positive.
- Moving away from the patterns of the abductees' immediate emotional
- responses, we can evaluate the ethical content of an extraterrestrial pres-
- ence by considering another, larger plane. Is there any evidence that ex-
- traterrestrial intelligence has actively intervened in human affairs, eith-
- er helpfully or destructively? The modern era of UFO activity begins in
- earnest in 1947, but many UFO reports surfaced during World War II in the
- phenomenon labelled "foo fighters" by our airmen. No force, either extra-
- terrestrial or otherwise, put a stop to the Holocaust until the Allied
- armies conquered Nazi Germany. By then it was too late for millions of in-
- nocent people, murdered by a system no one seemed able to stop. The United
- States developed nuclear weapons and used them to incinerate tens of thous-
- ands of children, women and men. No one, terrestrial or otherwise, prevent-
- ed those bombs from falling. Continuing Stalinist butchery, international
- terrorism, American intervention in a Vietnamese civil war - all meant
- that thousands upon thousands of innocent people lost their lives because
- of the cruelty or indifference of political leaders of every persuasion.
- No one intervened. Michael Rennie, alas, never stepped out of his space
- ship to save us from ourselves. We have polluted our planet, spreading
- cancer by industry's greedy indifference to the consequences of chemical
- "bonanzas." No one came to our rescue; the Chariots of the Gods evidently
- drew up just to watch the damage deepen. And now we have a new plague -
- the disease known by its ironic acronym AIDS...something fresh and new
- that we apparently did not have before the advent of the modern UFO era.
- Now all of this means one thing. As a moral presence the UFO phenom-
- enon seems sublimely indifferent to what we do to ourselves. Intervention
- is evidently not part of the plan, as diving into the surf to rescue a
- drowning child is sometimes not part of an indolent sunbather's plans. On
- the other hand there seems to be no evidence that an extraterrestrial pre-
- sence has inflicted any excess pain upon us, either. If Michael Rennie's
- alien only saves us in Hollywood films, the evil, intervening Body Snatch-
- ers seem only to exist there, too. I believe that the cruelty that mankind
- has endured in this century has an all too human origin; one doesn't have
- to look to spaceships for its cause. And we look to them in vain even for
- first aid, let alone salvation.
- But how should we evaluate what seems inescapable evidence of extra-
- terrestrial indifference to human tragedy? I feel that the grades should
- be harsh. The power and technology revealed by UFO report upon UFO report
- indicates that intervention of some kind should have been possible; help
- should have been given. Apologists for a Space Brothers theory use the
- same argument as Christian Apologists: The UFO occupants, like God, tol-
- erate evils such as the Holocaust because life is only a fleeting reality -
- the afterlife, or a reincarnated life, renders this question moot. As a
- Humanist I disagree. The death of a child at the hands of a gun-bearing
- adult is an abomination, not a necessary learning experience. The only
- excuse I can offer for extraterrestrial indifference is some kind of flaw
- in their apparent power, some very real vulnerability that might provide
- them with an excuse to avoid moral responsibility the way our indolent
- sunbather could avoid trying to save the drowning child because he, him-
- self, might be unable to swim.
- A few valid UFO cases contain accounts of healing, descriptions of
- wounds healed, eyesight strengthened and so on, after UFO abductions or
- encounters. However, these rare examples of healing raise more ethical
- problems than they solve. If the occupants of UFOs _do_ have the power to
- heal, why is it used so sparingly, so arbitrarily? Why save one swimmer
- and let the others drown? A woman I've worked with and know well was ab-
- ducted along with her older sister; each had had childhood abductions,
- each had lived uneasily with her memories. Last spring the older sister
- was murdered in a park, by an apparently deranged individual. The tragedy
- had nothing to do with UFOs, but my friend said this to me: "I always
- thought, somehow, they were looking out for us, watching over the people
- they'd taken in these experiments. Now I know I'm no safer than anyone
- else. They don't seem to care." And yet in one case I know about an abduct-
- ee was apparently saved in a similar situation. The arbitrariness of it
- all undermines any attempt to accept a Space Brother reading of the entire
- phenomenon. Amorality is the term that comes most quickly to mind.
- If the immediate emotional reactions to UFO abductions are usually
- more negative than positive, and there is literally no sign of benign ex-
- traterrestrial intervention in world affairs, there is still one more area
- to examine, and it is extremely important. It is the long term psycholog-
- ical aftereffects of UFO abductions experiences. Dr. Aphrodite Clamar, a
- clinical psychologist with whom I have worked in many such investigations,
- has stated that she feels almost every abductee she has dealt with has
- been psychologically scarred by the experience. This is surely my opinion
- also, and I believe that the psychological tests of abductees administered
- by Dr. Elizabeth Slater, as well as the psychological histories taken
- through Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City all provide sup-
- port for this thesis. Though she points out that cause and effect ob-
- viously cannot be established with certainty, Dr. Slater describes the
- psychological profiles of the nine abductees she tested as resembling
- those found with rape victims - a low self-esteem, a distrust of their
- bodies, their physicality, their sexuality, and a hesitancy to trust oth-
- ers. Not a pretty legacy from our would-be Space Brothers.
- My case files include three instances in which individuals - all
- males and apparently somewhat depressed to begin with - committed suicide
- after what were described by their friends and family as UFO abduction ex-
- periences. And there is more on this debit side of the ledger, including
- what seems to have been an accident following a car-stopping incident and
- abduction; the driver, the only surviving parent of four children, died
- later of complications suffered in this encounter. Two female abductees
- I've worked with either planned or carried out suicide attempts when they
- were ten years old, and another recent attempt involves a frightened, des-
- pondent fourteen-year-old girl.
- No one who has had this experience regards it as an unmitigated
- blessing. Some live in perpetual terror. Some have suffered nervous
- breakdowns, and as a result of their experiences and the chemical and
- shock treatments administered by baffled and incompetent doctors, are
- living thoroughly damaged lives. I have seen disfiguring scars on the
- bodies of abductees who have involuntarily been used in the UFO occupant's
- "medical" procedures. Yet I have also seen abductees whose lives have been
- undeniably broadened by their bizarre experiences; survivors who have man-
- aged the human task of surmounting their traumas and gaining something
- from them. The reports, again, are mixed, but the pain and suffering are
- immense. Deaths, injuries, terrors and mental breakdowns must be weighed
- against a philosophical broadening in many individuals, an awareness that
- the universe is larger - and closer - than anyone had imagined. The cost,
- of course, has been tremendous, and the gain due more to human resilience
- than alien kindness.
- But there is, I believe, an explanation for the apparently callous
- and often destructive behavior of the aliens who perpetrate these tempor-
- ary kidnappings of innocent men, women and children. One vivid example
- should make the point. Two years ago a man in Minnesota whom I shall call
- Earl wrote to me about his partially remembered UFO experiences. Eventual-
- ly I visited him on his farm, and we began a series of hypnotic regres-
- sions. He recalled a time years before when his wife had been helping him
- harvest a crop of hay in a rather isolated field. She lay down to rest on
- the wagon while Earl worked a few hundred yards away...but then he saw
- three small UFOs fly in at tree-top level and hover above his sleeping
- wife. One of them lowered to the ground as Earl put his tractor in gear
- and raced to her side to protect her from whatever was happening. A normal-
- looking blond man, speaking English, stepped from behind the clump of
- trees where the UFO had landed and asked Earl to stop; "Everything is all
- right," he said. "She won't be hurt." Earl ignored him and leaped off the
- tractor, continuing on foot towards the wagon where his wife lay, surround-
- ed now by small, gray-skinned figures. Earl suddenly found himself para-
- lyzed and helpless. He stood there, unable to move, as the blond man con-
- tinued speaking, assuring him that "everything is all right. Nothing will
- happen to your mate." Earl watched in horror as his paralyzed wife was un-
- dressed. A Long needle was pushed into her abdomen as she lay on a bed of
- hay, crying out at the pain, but unable to resist. Skin and hair samples
- were taken, and a thin probe was inserted into her vagina. Still frozen in
- place, Earl cursed and raged, and the blond man seemed genuinely surprised
- by his reaction. "We _want_ you to see this," he said. "We're not hurting
- your mate. She'll be fine. Why are you upset? We're not hurting her..."
- The scene ended shortly thereafter, and the couple returned home,
- aware of a period of missing time, but with no memories of the UFO en-
- counter. In the days and weeks after this event, Earl's wife began suf-
- fering from nightmares, clawing in her sleep at the area near the bridge
- of her nose, between her eyes, and screaming for them to "take it out,
- it's hurting." She dug deep gouges in her forehead while the nightmares
- continued unabated. Other symptoms of her terror appeared, half-understood
- recollections of the events in the hay field. Eventually she had to be hos-
- pitalized, suffering from a severe nervous breakdown. She lives at home
- now, tranquilized and sadly no longer herself.
- This story is but one of many which I could present to illustrate a
- central point about UFO occupants and their relation to their human sub-
- jects: they simply appear unable for the most part to understand us, our
- feelings, our terrors, our love for one another. They seem psychologically
- blind to basic human emotions. In my book _Intruders_ I recounted case af-
- ter case in which women were artificially inseminated or endured ova-
- retrieval operations, but whose reactions of rage or terror seemed surpris-
- ing to their captors. These impassive UFO occupants seem as remote from
- our "peculiar" human emotions as they are from our obviously differing
- anatomy; perhaps more so. And their basic lack of understanding provides
- us with a kind of excuse for their callous behavior.
- It seems to me that we are left with but two possibilities, neither
- of which is very attractive. If the UFO occupants actually do understand
- us and can empathize with our needs and emotions, then they are morally
- deficient -- even cruel in their single-minded selfishness. Not malevolent
- or deliberately evil, but as callous as the sunbather who watches the
- child drown in the surf. At some point, amoral behavior becomes immoral
- behavior. But if these same alien beings _simply do not understand our
- feelings_, then they have an excuse of sorts for their behavior. And the
- evidence suggest they really may not know what disasters they sometimes
- cause. A female abductee recently wrote me a letter which goes in part:
- I was watching a show about animals, because I love
- animals. I don't know if it was _Wild Kingdom_ or some
- _National Geographic_ show, but these scientists were
- tracking some polar bears. They had all kinds of weird
- looking equipment and were using a white board which
- rendered them invisible in the snow to the bears. As I
- watched I got a real sick feeling in the pit of my stom-
- ach. These scientists were dressed in identical white
- suits, lured the bears closer, and drugged the big one
- with the cubs. The whole time they were tagging her they
- were taking blood samples, measuring fat, checking eyes,
- mouth, etc. And whenever the bear struggled they would pet
- her, talk to her, tell her everything was going to be
- fine. The cubs stayed close. The scientists placed a de-
- vice on her that would track her for so many years. They
- even marked her with a special paint that could be spotted
- from the air. Then when they were through with her they
- ran and hid behind the big screen so that when she woke up
- she wouldn't see them. She got up, looked around, and ran
- so fast her cubs could hardly keep up. Imagine how she
- must have felt the other times when they followed her in a
- helicopter. She could run, but with that paint and homing
- device she could never hide! I think all we are is a bunch
- of animals to these beings. Some little experiment that
- has been ongoing for who knows how long. I don't like the
- idea of being something's lab animal.
- I thought about her letter, her understanding of the animal's plight
- and the traumas inflicted by the scientists upon the bear and its cubs.
- These zoologists - as well as the occupants of UFO's, one hopes - are all
- acting from decent, scientific motives. And yet in both cases pain is in-
- flicted, paralysis is imposed, and traumatic terror is the result. Some
- animals might abandon their cubs after such an experience or die of a mis-
- measured dose of a tranquilizing drug or even die from pure shock, just as
- some humans, like Earl's poor wife, may never recover from the horror of
- their experience. Sad though this alternative seems, it is easier for me
- to believe that the occupants of UFOs simply do not understand what they
- are doing to us, what traumas they are inflicting, than to believe they do
- know and are merely indifferent to human suffering.
- I have talked to many people who will not give up on the benign
- Space Brother reading of these cases, no matter what. At the outset I said
- that our quasi-religious hopes die slowly. And so, despite massive negat-
- ive evidence, there are still many people who cling to the idea that some-
- how, some way there may be _two_ alien groups, one bad and one good. The
- bad group, according to this theory, does the abducting and experimenting
- while the good group really loves and understands us. Sometimes a kind of
- sub rosa Aryan racism can be detected beneath these hopes, in that the
- "grays," as they have been called, are the bad aliens, while the more at-
- tractive "blonds" are good. In my twelve years of investigation, however,
- the more human-seeming aliens, whenever they are reported (as in the cases
- of Earl and his wife or the Travis Walton abduction), seem to be operating
- as a team right along with the so-called "grays," participating in abduct-
- ions-as-usual. There is not a shred of evidence that I know of supporting
- this simple-minded good-guys, bad-guys dichotomy - but there is plenty of
- evidence that this kind of wishful thinking is an all too common psycholog-
- ical habit.
- The Contactee phenomenon, discounted by almost all serious investi-
- gators, represents the triumph of hope against reality, of need against
- evidence. The abduction cases I've studied over the years can be defined
- as being, in effect, "all evidence and no ideology," while the contactee
- cults are essentially the opposite. Contactee messages, as passed on
- through helpful "channels," reduce themselves generally to soft entreaties
- to love one another, to make peace, not war, and to take care of our plan-
- et's precarious ecology - in other words, the kind of cliche' even people
- like Reagan and Gorbachev routinely utter in their formal speeches. (This
- kind of nebulous message, it should be said, is sometimes also reported in
- valid UFO abduction cases. What we really need, one abductee said to me,
- is actual alien help in solving our problems, not just another newspaper
- editorial pointing them out.) In short, there is no reason to assume that
- any benign group of aliens anywhere has yet done anything truly helpful to
- our planet. Such evidence simply does not exist.
- The final difficulty in the cultist view of a "good alien - bad
- alien duality" lies in the age-old problem of evil. If the bad aliens are
- hurting us by their abductions, why don't the good aliens prevent it? For
- centuries we've asked ourselves, if God is omnipotent, how can he permit,
- say, the torture of children? Many of us felt that since no answer consist-
- ent with the idea of God's omnipotence could satisfy us, there was some-
- thing seriously wrong with the theology. And so it is with this kind of
- alien theology, apart from the fact that there is no credible evidence of
- any kind indicating a struggle between rival alien groups. If there are
- various groups of aliens from different places of origin in the Universe,
- they are apparently all co-operatively doing the same thing to us, the hu-
- man race - and I for one think that what they're doing is, in the short
- term at least, immensely destructive.
- Once again we are back to the only two viable alternatives. Either
- the UFO occupants have not grasped the psychological toll they are taking
- in these abductions and genetic experiments because they really do not
- understand human psychology, _or_ they must be viewed as a callous, indif-
- ferent, amoral race bent solely upon gratifying its own scientific needs
- at whatever the cost to us, the victims. The question of which alternative
- is true cannot be presently answered. There is evidence to support both
- interpretations, but I, for one, wish to choose the former.
- Budd Hopkins
- New York, September 1987
- Copyright Budd Hopkins 1987